Loving well in our community
We prioritize reaching out to our local community individually and as a church. Here are some local organizations we partner with on a regular basis.

Red Cross Blood Drives
We hold quarterly blood drives for the American Red Cross. Each blood donation can save up to three lives. Watch our events page for information about our next blood drive.

Community Support Center
GracePoint is a founding partner of the New Brighton Community Support Center. We partner with them to help our community, and look forward to the annual Walk a Mile for our Neighbors fundraiser every summer.

Operation Christmas Child
We collect boxes for Operation Christmas Child every November. These boxes bless children all around the world

New Life Family Services
New Life Family Services is a wonderful resources for families. We hold periodic fundraisers for this organzation and several of our church members volunteer their time and energy here.

Feed My Starving Children
Groups from GracePoint pack meals at Feed My Starving Children in Coon Rapids throughout the year.
Loving well around the world
We partner in prayer and giving with several amazing people who serve the Lord all over the world.

David & Rachel Anderson
Serving the Red Lake Indian Reservation with CIM
David and Rachel Anderson have been serving with River Ridge Evangelical Free Church in Mankato, MN, for the past several years. God is calling their family (David, Rachel, and their five children) to the Red Lake Indian Reservation in Northern Minnesota. David and their five children are tribal members of that community. They plan to service with CIM to help revitalize two churches by the end of summer 2025.

Rene & Crystal Argueta
Pastoring Primera Iglesia Evangelica Bautista in Columbia Heights
Rene and his family focus on preaching the gospel and training believers in ministry through bilingual fellowship. One of the main target groups is the youth who are coming to the US experiencing significant cultural transition.

Larry & Mary Caldwell
Serving with Converge Worldwide through the Kairos Project at Sioux Falls Seminary.
Larry is a Senior Missiologist for Converge and he serves by training the next generation of western Converge leaders and non-western missionaries to minister to unreached people groups.

Jeff & Barb Chapman
Serving with Converge Worldwide in Japan
The Chapmans, serving under Converge Worldwide, work to develop local outreach ministries in partnership with Keihnna Christ Church through leadership in preaching, bilingual bible studies, youth mentoring, and outreach to all ages. Jeff is the Osaka Project Leader for the Japan Baptist Church Assoc. where he helps the churches network to evangelize and plant churches with a focus on young families. They have many ministry events in their home.

Don & Janet Ekstrand
Serving with SEND International in Japan
Don and Janet serve under Send International and are currently co-managing a SEND’s Yamanka Chalet in Japan with multiple cabins that house missionaries, pastors, or groups who need relief from ministry or as an alternative place to meet other than in a crowded urban setting.

Jeff & Sandy Hagen
Leads Hill Cities Ministries in the Twin Cities
Jeff provides life groups for men through his organization, Hill Cities. There are over 70 men in eight different groups centered on studying the Word and creating strong bonds through fellowship to lead men toward their destiny and a greater sense of belonging and outreach through the community. Jeff writes all curriculum and discussion materials used in the groups, focusing on books in the New Testament.

Ashraf & Nivin Ibrahim
Serving with Converge Worldwide to reach Arab people groups
The Ibrahims assist the church in Egypt in its evangelism and discipleship strategies to reach Muslim Egyptians. Additionally, the Ibrahims assist American churches in understanding the challenging facets of Islam, helping them begin an effective outreach strategy to win and disciple Muslim immigrants in the United States.

Todd & Karen Indehar
Serving with Converge Worldwide in Thailand
Todd and Karen have initiated a church-planting movement in partnership with Thai pastors in an unreached people group. The Indehars have started a new church in Uttaradit, a rural town in northern Thailand. As they mentor young adult leaders there, they also advise and help with a youth group and an ESL/Bible study outreach in Uttaradit.

Jim & Lynn Jarman
Serving with Converge Worldwide in Sweden
The Jarmans’ mission is to direct Converge’s Nordic Project for Church Multiplication which facilitates movements in prayer, evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, and church multiplication. Jim and Lynn mentor leaders and church planters in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Switzerland, Tunisia, and India, with their home base now in Florida.

Jeff & Stacey Krohn
Serving with SIM in Ethiopia
Jeff and Stacey serve under SIM and minister primarily through teaching. Stacey teaches Spanish full-time at a local high school in Wheaton, Illinois. Jeff teaches at the Evangelical Theological College in Ethiopia, mostly remote, but with occasional trips for intensive in-person sessions. Jeff teaches Biblical Interpretation and Systematic Theology.

Kyle & Matilda Tromanhauser
Serving with Converge Worldwide in Germany
Kyle and Matilda serve under Converge Worldwide and alongside the Federation of Free Evangelical Churches of Germany to plant cross-cultural churches in Munich. Their primary ministry has been the Mosaic International Fellowship. Another church plant, Munich Christian Fellowship and MIF are merging together to form a stronger church ministry and outreach. Under this merge, there will be about 45 different nations represented among their congregation.

Gil & Norene Zinke
Serving with Training Leaders International
Gil travels to various locations abroad to teach, train, and send local pastors and graduate students, equipping them with the skills to do expository preaching using modular training and coursework. As an international trainer with Training Leaders International, Gil coordinates short-term trips and recruits volunteer trainers to go to areas lacking in theological training.