AWANA 2024-2025
October 2, 2024
We are a multi-generational community in New Brighton, Minnesota, that loves to exalt the name of Jesus, proclaim the gospel, edify the saints, defend the faith, and engage beyond our walls.
We are passionate about God’s Word, growing in our faith together, and demonstrating that faith through fruitful acts of service. We would love to see you at one of our Sunday services. You will find that GracePoint is full of caring people, authentic worship, engaging teaching, and opportunities for growth. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, I can promise you that God will meet you right where you are!
Jared Carlson
Senior Pastor
GracePoint Church in New Brighton provides Sunday morning services with uplifting worship music and a time of studying God's Word. We use Sunday mornings to "transform within" so that we can reach out into our community for the glory of God.
We would love to have you join us for church online this Sunday at 9 or 10:30am. Bonus: You can take sermon notes and view the Sunday bulletin easily right from our watch online page!
Maybe you have been attending our services online or in-person for a little while now and would like to get more involved in our community. From baptism to membership to volunteering for various church ministries, find out how you can get more involved at GracePoint.
Giving online is safe and easy. To learn more about ways to give at GracePoint, click the link below. Thank you for your generosity!