Adult Sunday School Classes

During the school year, adults at GracePoint participate in spiritually enriching Sunday School classes. Our Adult Sunday School will resume on September 8, 2024

GracePoint Women

A variety of activities are offered to develop servant leaders through teaching, companionship and mentorship, encouragement, prayer, and outreach with the goal of helping all women to become complete in Christ.

In addition to the weekly and bi-weekly Bible studies that meet during the school year, our ladies all look forward to various retreats and events held throughout the year.

PointMen of GracePoint

PointMen of GracePoint provides opportunities for men to gather for study, prayer, open discussion, fun, and service projects. Our ultimate goal aligns with that of GracePoint Church, to transform from within for the glory of God.

Young at Heart (65+)

Our 65+ groups holds quarterly lunches. These lunches are a great chance to fellowship and to meet new people. The lunch is usually followed by a short devotional or testimony from someone at GracePoint. Watch below for upcoming lunches and fellowship opportunities.