Adult Sunday School Classes

During the school year, adults at GracePoint participate in spiritually enriching Sunday School classes. These are the classes available this winter/spring at GracePoint:

Gym Alcove – Randy Nelson & Doug Gordh

Reading the Bible for All Its Worth: Tools for Biblical Interpretation

There is much confusion about how to approach the Bible and how to interpret its teachings. This can lead to good understanding or misunderstanding of who God is, His work in the world and how we are to serve as faithful disciples of Jesus.

While there will always be some difficulty in fully understanding all aspects of the Bible, there are some very good principles and tools to help us better interpret and understand God’s Word. It is the prayer that God will use this class to give us “the Spirit of knowledge and wisdom and revelation in order that we may know Him better.”  (Ephesians 1:17)  This class is lecture format with opportunities for Q&A.

You have the option to purchase a new or used copy of the book How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth here.

Room 132/133 – Randy Johnson & Ron Carey

A Victorious Life: Winning the Spiritual War

Conflict will increase as the End of the Age draws near, and we need a plan to help us stand firm in our faith. In this video teaching series, Pastor Allen Jackson helps us recognize the reality of the battle taking place in the spiritual realm.

Even though every Christ-follower is engaged in this conflict, we can experience God’s peace as we endure the turmoil. Pastor Allen offers insight to help us be aware of the spiritual realm, understand how it impacts our current circumstances, recognize deception and false prophets, and be encouraged to stand for God’s Truth in our generation.

Fellowship Hall – Steve Young & Steve Porter

Finding Fresh Strength & Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has such a significant role in pointing us to Jesus and empowering our lives, but we are often left wondering about the nature of the Spirit and how we can open ourselves to benefit from the Spirit’s work.

In this class, we will do a scriptural study on who the Holy Spirit is and how he works to grow and empower us. We will also look at some very practical aspects such as how to open ourselves to the work of the Spirit, what really are the spiritual gifts, the fruit of the Spirit and more.

This class is highly interactive. Not only will you benefit from the content but also from getting to know others through good discussion around tables.

GracePoint Women

A variety of activities are offered to develop servant leaders through teaching, companionship and mentorship, encouragement, prayer, and outreach with the goal of helping all women to become complete in Christ.

In addition to the weekly and bi-weekly Bible studies that meet during the school year, our ladies all look forward to various retreats and events held throughout the year. Check out our current events and Bible studies below.

PointMen of GracePoint

PointMen of GracePoint provides opportunities for men to gather for study, prayer, open discussion, fun, and service projects. Our ultimate goal aligns with that of GracePoint Church, to transform from within for the glory of God.

Young at Heart (65+)

Our 65+ groups holds quarterly lunches. These lunches are a great chance to fellowship and to meet new people. The lunch is usually followed by a short devotional or testimony from someone at GracePoint. Watch below for upcoming lunches and fellowship opportunities.