Family Hub

See below for upcoming events in each ministry. Click the button below to read this week's family email newsletter.


  • If you liked our Stellar VBS this summer, you will love the Children’s Christmas Program this year. A Stellar Christmas will be held on Sunday, December 15, at 10am. All GracePoint Kids ages 2 years old up through 5th grade. The rehearsal will be held on the morning of December 14. Please email if your child(ren) would like a speaking part.
  • Save the date for Family Game Night on Friday, November 15.



  • Fall Retreat Packet: If your child is going on the Fall Retreat to Trout Lake this weekend, please click here for important reminders and a waiver.
  • All-student and parent paintball is on Saturday, November 2. View more information and register today!
  • Fall Serve Day: After the second service on Sunday, November 3, we’ll load up the bus and head out to help out a neighbor with fall yard cleanup. Pizza lunch will be provided in the Loft at 12:15 before we leave (gluten-free option available by request). We’ll be back at GracePoint right around 3:30. Students should dress for the weather and bring work gloves and a water bottle. Register here.
  • Save the date for Family Game Night on Friday, November 15.
  • Middle School Roller Skating is on Saturday, November 16.


Children and Youth Waivers

Please make sure you have filled out the 2024/2025 waiver. This ensures we have the most up-to-date contact information for your family.

Learning this week

Children's Sunday School

October 20, 2024

One day, after Jesus and the disciples traveled to Capernaum, Jesus asked the disciples what they had been arguing about on the trip. The disciples were quiet because they had been arguing about who was the greatest. Jesus wanted to help the disciples understand what greatness in the kingdom of God is, so He explained that if someone wanted to be first, he must be last. Then Jesus brought a small child before the disciples and explained that anyone who welcomed a small child, welcomed Jesus. And by welcoming Jesus, they were welcoming God. Talk about times it is tempting to want to be the one to go first (picking a restaurant, choosing a movie, being first in line). Read more of how Jesus valued children in Mark 10:13-16. You can also check out more family resources for this week at Explore the Bible: At Home.


Bible Passage: Mark 9:33-37; 10:13-16

Memory Verse: John 6:40a

Bonus Verse: Mark 10:14b

Younger Kids Text Truth: While others rejected them, Jesus welcomed and blessed the children.

Older Kids Text Truth: Jesus welcomed and blessed the children. And He welcomes us to come to Him in faith.

Jesus and the Children

Mark 9:33-37; 10:13-16

Jesus and the disciples traveled to Capernaum. When they arrived, Jesus asked the disciples, “What were you arguing about on the way here?”

The disciples were quiet. They had been arguing with each other about who was the greatest.

Jesus sat down and said to the disciples, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be last.” Then Jesus took a child in His arms and said, “Whoever welcomes a little child in My name, welcomes Me. Whoever welcomes Me is welcoming the One who sent Me.”

Later, Jesus was teaching, and some people began to bring their little children to Him. They wanted Jesus to bless the children, but the disciples did not like this. They scolded the people.

Jesus was angry with the disciples. He told them, “Let the little children come to Me. Do not stop them. The kingdom of God belongs to people like them. Whoever does not welcome the kingdom of God like a small child will never enter it.” Then Jesus took the children in His arms and blessed them.

Jesus often welcomed people that others rejected—the sick, the sinners, women, and children. Jesus welcomed and even blessed the children because they were important to God. Jesus wants everyone to come to Him in faith.



OCTOBER 23: Pajama Night!

Cubbies: Bear Hug 2: C is for Christ

Sparks: Work on your individual verses

T&T: Lesson and Verse 1.5 (do 1.6 for bonus points)

AWANA Store: T&T Girls

Middle School

Our youth groups are starting a new series in Galatians this week.

High School

Our youth groups are starting a new series in Galatians this week.

Family Ministry Team

You can reach our children's and youth leaders by emailing them at

Marie Reynolds

Children's Ministry Director

Suzy Jankowski

Children's Ministry Assistant

Christian Brands

Student Ministries Pastor

Spencer Schuh

Student Ministries Associate