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Our Worship

Worship at GracePoint

We believe that worship is an every day kind of experience. No, not everyday as in mundane, but every day as in never ending awe and amazement. Our goal is to find ways to live our entire life as an act of worship to God. Worship is about building a relationship with Him, and it involves all aspects of our walk, including being in the Word and in prayer.

With that said, the truth is, any time someone utters the word worship when it comes to a church it usually means they are asking about the music, or at least what a weekend experience is like. After all, sometimes coming together corporately to worship can be some of the most meaningful times that we come in contact with God. So how do we do that at GracePoint?

Traditional Worship

The Traditional Service seeks to guide the worshiper through an expression of musical praise and preparation of our hearts as we engage in worship as a community. Participants can expect to be engaged and led by congregational song, special music, congregational prayer, scripture, responsive reading, and biblical preaching. We are musically led by piano, organ, choir, and a variety of vocal and instrumental solos and ensembles.

Modern Worship

The modern worship service uses a style of music that incorporates a full band, including electric guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboards, bass guitar, drums and more. Our times of worship include prayer, scripture reading, worship through giving and biblical preaching. We seek to support an environment where believers worship freely and in Spirit and Truth.

Worship & Arts

Worship is the life-blood of the church. It is the common ground upon which we all, as Christians, stand together, lifting up praise and glory to Him who sits on the throne.

Worship Teams
Worship Teams

For our Modern Worship Services we rotate music teams every-other week. At GracePoint we view this involvement on these teams as a ministry role. We always have room for more people to serve on these teams, and are excited about what God is doing in and through this group! If you are interested in getting involved, email Liam Jensen, our interim Modern Worship Director.

Instruments of Praise
Instruments of Praise

GracePoint welcomes instrumentalists to share their gifts as they fit best in our worship services. Our Instruments of Praise play often throughout the year and we welcome musicians of all skill levels. Please contact Brianna Enoksen if you are interested in more information.


Our traditional worship service often features our choir led by Micah Reynolds. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 6:45pm and are always open to new members. If you love to sing, you will love being a part of the GracePoint choir! Contact Jason Schoolmeesters for more information via email or phone (612-456-4573).

Worship Team

Our worship team leads a group of amazing volunteers as they coordinate our traditional and modern worship services.

Jason Schoolmeesters

Traditional Worship Leader

Micah Reynolds

Choir Director

Liam Jensen

Modern Worship Leader & Ministry Associate