Family Hub

See below for upcoming events in each ministry. Click the button below to read this week's family email newsletter.


  • We know it can be tough to find a good place to get the wiggles out during MEA week. We are offering Open Gym at GracePoint from 1-3pm on Friday, October 18. Come enjoy playing with friends and using the sports and play equipment in the GracePoint Gym! Let us know if you are coming here. (Enter through Door #3.)




  • Because of MEA week, we’ll have a High School movie night on October 15 (6:30-9pm) instead of the regular youth group schedule. Sign up here.
  • Don’t miss the High School Hangout on Saturday, October 19.
  • We have a waitlist for the Fall Retreat at Trout Lake. Click here to add your name.

Awana Reminders

Check in for AWANA begins at 6:20pm with pick up at 8:00pm.

Drop off:
Cubbies in their room
Sparks and T&T check in with the secretaries at their desk.

Pick Up:
Cubbies in their room
Sparks in the Sanctuary
T&T in the gym
(Enter from the long hallway and exit down the stairs.)

Please remember to take your child to the bathroom before you drop them off!

All clubbers should bring their handbook, bag, vest/shirt, athletic shoes, and Bible (for T&T) each night of AWANA.

Please practice the Bible verse with the reference at home so the children are ready to recite them to their leaders. Only two helps may be given by the leaders for the verse to be signed off.

For security reasons, the only adults allowed in the building from 6:45-7:45pm are AWANA team members, GracePoint choir members, and those attending the men’s Bible study upstairs. If you are not participating in those things, we will ask that you leave the building after dropping off your child(ren). The New Brighton Library is open until 8pm if you need a quiet place to work or study during AWANA time. Thanks for understanding and keeping our children safe!

Children and Youth Waivers

Please make sure you have filled out the 2024/2025 waiver. This ensures we have the most up-to-date contact information for your family.

Learning this week

Children's Sunday School

October 13, 2024

This week, kids examined a story from Mark 8. Jesus and His disciples traveled to Caesarea Philippi, a location known for its idol worship. In this ironic backdrop, Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do the people say that I am?” Spend a few moments talking about how your friends, family, and neighbors might answer this question. Read Jesus’ next question to the disciples in Mark 8:29. You can also check out more family resources for this week at Explore the Bible: At Home.

Bible Passage: Mark 8:27-33

Memory Verse: John 6:40a

Bonus Verse: Mark 8:29

Younger Kids Text Truth: Jesus is the Messiah.

Older Kids Text Truth: Everyone must decide whether or not to believe that Jesus is the Messiah.

Peter’s Confession

Mark 8:27-33

Jesus and His disciples traveled to Caesarea Philippi. As they walked on the road, Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do people say that I am?”

The disciples answered, “Some say John the Baptist. Some say Elijah. Some say one of the other prophets.”

“But you,” Jesus asked the disciples, “who do you say that I am?”

“You are the Messiah.” Simon Peter answered.

Then Jesus told the disciples not to tell anyone that He was the Messiah. It wasn’t the right time.

After that, Jesus started telling the disciples that He, the Son of Man, would go to Jerusalem. He would suffer, be rejected by the religious leaders, be killed, and be raised from the dead on the third day.

Peter was shocked. He took Jesus aside and began to disagree with Jesus.

Jesus corrected Peter, “You are not thinking about God’s concerns. You are thinking of man’s concerns.”

Jesus was preparing His disciples for the coming days. Everyone, including the religious leaders, would have to decide whether or not they believed that Jesus is the Messiah.



Cubbies: Bear Hug 1: A is for All

Sparks: Work on your individual verses

T&T: Lesson and Verse 1.4

The AWANA Store will begin on October 23.

Middle School

Youth Groups are taking a break for MEA week.

High School

Youth Groups are taking a break for MEA week.

Family Ministry Team

You can reach our children's and youth leaders by emailing them at

Marie Reynolds

Children's Ministry Director

Suzy Jankowski

Children's Ministry Assistant

Christian Brands

Student Ministries Pastor

Spencer Schuh

Student Ministries Associate